A car accident can happen when you least expect it. If you are lucky, you can walk out of the wreck with nothing but minor bruises and bumps. Sometimes, however, you can sustain a range of injuries following the crash. One of the most important steps you need to take...
Personal Injury
Who can file a wrongful death claim in Ohio civil court?
When someone dies because of the negligence, recklessness or intentional acts of another party, the law allows for wrongful death lawsuits. In an Ohio wrongful death claim, plaintiffs assert that the misconduct of the defendant directly caused the death of another...
Two critical considerations before filing your accident claim
A top concern for those seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident is getting their due compensation quickly. A relatively speedy payout can help the victim overcome immediate crash-related hardships like lost wages or travel expenses. Although it is understandable...
Who is at fault for a rear-end crash?
Determining fault concerning a rear-end crash depends on the specific circumstances of the accident. In the majority of cases, the driver who rear-ends another vehicle is considered at fault. However, there are certainly exceptions to this rule of thumb. While there...
How is the value of a car accident settlement determined in Ohio?
Car accidents can be traumatic and life-altering events for those involved. In addition to the physical and emotional toll, there are also medical bills, lost wages and vehicle repairs to handle. When someone is injured in a car accident in Ohio, they may be entitled...
Why was my accident claim denied?
Many people injured in accidents attempt to resolve their claim on their own by dealing directly with the negligent driver's insurance. These individuals often find that their damages are denied by the negligent driver's insurance. This leads to frustration and...
Did you contribute to your car accident?
In Ohio, your degree of fault matters when you file a personal injury claim seeking damages for the harm or loss suffered. If you had a part to play in the events leading to the injury, it could affect the compensation you can recover. Picture a car crash for which...
What can you do if an aggressive driver puts you at risk?
Many drivers embrace the idea of defensive driving. That means trying to use safe strategies and remaining alert to possible hazards. Unfortunately, other drivers on the roadway are aggressive and act recklessly. What forms might aggressive driving take? Aggressive...
How adrenaline can be harmful after a car accident
In many cases where someone is injured, their flight-or-fight syndrome kicks in to assist them. It does things like transferring brain power from creating memories into focusing on your immediate senses. It also causes you to have an adrenaline rush, which can give...
Who is liable for a car crash?
Being involved in a car accident causes damages, including physical and psychological injuries and car and property damages. If you get injured in a crash, you will deal with medical costs, lost wages, disabilities and pain and suffering. In some instances, the death...