There are many penalties that come with a drunk driving conviction. However, the resulting insurance issues are easy to overlook.
If you face charges of operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI), it is important to note that a conviction could have a domino effect on your life. The stakes are high. Taking your defense seriously could save money and stress in the long run.
Insurance companies could raise your rates
Insurers usually view drunk driving convictions as a red flag for a high-risk driver. This means that the company believes the driver is more likely to be liable for an accident, for which the insurance company would have to pay.
Because the insurance company suspects that it will likely need to pay for a crash someday, it is more likely to pass that cost to the driver. By raising the driver’s rates, the insurance company would be able to protect its profits. Depending on your current policy, your insurance could become much more expensive each month after an OVI.
Losing your driver’s license
Whether for a first-time or repeat OVI, you may face a driver’s license suspension. To eventually reinstate your license in Ohio, you would need to obtain a special document called an SR-22, which proves that you are carrying the minimum insurance coverage after losing your license.
This document can affect your insurance policy options. Many insurance companies will not give you a policy if you need an SR-22. The companies that would approve you could also charge high rates.
Unfortunately, if you want to drive again, you will need to carry at least the minimum insurance coverage – no matter how expensive it may be. Failing to carry the right insurance after an OVI could lead to more criminal charges.
Avoiding insurance penalties
Due to the many financial and legal problems that an OVI conviction can cause, it is vital to get criminal defense from day one of your case. A strong defense might be able to prevent these complicated insurance issues.