In the aftermath of a car accident, a lot is happening. There can be two or more drivers involved, some of whom may be seriously injured even when that is not immediately apparent. There might be witnesses in other cars or on the street as pedestrians. With all this going on, you might be eager to minimize your own injuries from the accident. The surge of adrenaline from the accident may make you not feel the injuries you sustained from the accident. Once this surge has decreased, it is likely that you will be able to feel the pain from the injuries from the accident. Although many people go to the doctor in the days following the accident, many people don’t see a doctor for weeks hoping that the pain will merely go away. The problem is that the pain may not go away and the delay in treatment may make the injury worse. A delay in treatment will also result in the at-fault driver arguing that the injury wasn’t really caused by the accident or that the injury was made worse by your lack of treatment.
A doctor can evaluate your injuries, and your doctor’s chart notes will establish that you have injuries which were caused by the accident. This information helps you build a stronger case for seeking compensation from the at-fault drivers who caused your suffering, injuries and other damages.
As always, don’t try to fight the insurance companies on your own. Put your case in the capable hands of legal professionals who know the ins and outs of Ohio personal injury law.