Divorce is never easy and can be even more stressful if your spouse dissipated marital assets. Unfortunately, a number of people consider doing some unethical and illegal things when going through a divorce, which may be detrimental to their spouse’s financial...
Family Law
3 ways to make life after divorce easier for children
Parents going through a divorce need to do what’s best for their children. This isn’t always easy, but all children deserve an environment that enables them to thrive. There are a few ways that parents can make it easier for children to live between two homes....
Tips to protect children from the conflict of divorce
Divorce can lead to some conflicts and stressors, which can be difficult for children to deal with. Even when you and your spouse know that getting divorced is the best thing for you and your relationship, you likely feel a compulsion to insulate your children from...
Preparing your family for a shared custody holiday season
Negotiating a fair way to divide parenting time is one of the biggest challenges that divorcing or separating parents face. Obviously, both parents want to spend as much time as possible with the children, especially during the holiday season. If you don't think about...
When should I modify my parenting plan?
Ohio couples who wish to revisit their parenting plan may want to consider doing it through the courts. Each situation is unique, as is each family. Having some idea about when to modify a parenting plan may assist in deciding how to proceed. Under the Ohio divorce...
3 signs your parenting plan is not working
Even under ideal circumstances, raising children can be challenging. If you are trying to co-parent your kids in a post-divorce family, though, you are apt to face additional hurdles you must overcome. Creating a thoughtful parenting plan is an effective way to ensure...
Temporary emergency custody in Ohio
In very limited situations, the Ohio courts will award emergency custody of minor children. Emergency custody allows a parent to obtain full parental rights temporarily until the courts can schedule a full hearing. As its name implies, a temporary emergency custody...
Tips for creating a parenting plan
A core factor in your divorce is what happens in terms of child custody. Absent any abuse or neglect, the judge will likely favor joint custody. If you and your spouse are going to co-parent during and after your divorce, it is helpful to establish a parenting plan....