A car accident can lead to injuries that impact any part of the body. When these injuries affect the back, neck or spine, injured people should take them particularly seriously. What should you know about the neck, back or spine injuries you might experience during a collision?
How might a car accident injure the back or neck?
Car accidents are a common cause of many injuries to the back and neck. Neck or back injuries can cause pain or numbness, limit mobility and create other challenges in an injured person’s daily life. These injuries can be particularly serious if they impact the spinal cord because damage to the spinal cord can also impact the parts of the body below that injury.
What should people do if a crash results in a back or neck injury?
Even if a person’s injuries do not seem severe at first, some untreated back injuries can do more significant damage over time. Because of the sensitive nature of the back, neck and spine, injured people need to seek medical care as soon as possible for injuries to their back or neck. Quickly identifying these potentially serious injuries can ensure that they do not grow worse. This medical treatment can ensure that a doctor treats these injuries as soon as possible and documents the injury’s link to the crash.